This section is for trivial bits, oddities, rarities and other bits that don't fit into the other sections. There is info and pics here on long-lost games, comparisons, games that haven't received the attention they deserve and a lot more, with more coming as time goes on. Enjoy!
WANTED: Konami Man And Konami Girl 
2-D Games On 3-D Systems
Two 2-D Institutions Commemorated
Five Years Of The OPCFG: A Celebration
XEXEX: Konami's R-Type?
Secret Of Evermore Meets Final Fantasy?
Ice Climber: Paging The ASPCA!
The Krion Conquest: The Lost Mega Man?
The Dark Secret Of Phelios
Super Valis IV: What Went Wrong?
The Hidden Message In Gradius (NES)
The First Video Game Nude Code?
Valis III (Turbo CD): Hidden Bonus Items!
Run Saber: The Lost Strider?
Are The Home Versions Of Some Gradius Arcade Games Direct Ports?
Assault Suits Valken: Hey Man, Nice Shot
Predator: Nothing But Pink Pants And Go-Go Boots Here!
Shocking Secrets of Nintendo's Biggest Stars - EXPOSED!
Nosferatu: Fists of Fury!
A Tribute To Downland
The Other Namco Museum Games
Forgotten Videogame Heroes And Heroines
The OPCFG Interview With Yuzo Koshiro
The Gradius Net Ranking Prize
Capcom's Famicom Games
Technos' Famicom Games
Konami's Famicom Games
Super Deformed Famicom Mayhem!
The Twisted Saga of Kujaku Ou
Brazilian SMS Games!
Star Wars (NES) vs. Star Wars (SMS)
Altered Beast Oddities
Vampire: Master Of Darkness - the lost Castlevania?
Atari 2600 Games... FROM HELLLLLLL!!!
Converter Fun!
Monster Party and LSD - a connection?
Tonight in Mystic Defender: LIVE NUDE GIRLS!
Exed Exes = Savage Bees?
Nemesis '90 Kai: The Lost Gradius
